Consulting with a Conscience™

A cruciallogics blog

08 Dec 2021

Managing Those End Users: Lessons Learned from HyperCare Consultants

While we often talk about the risk associated with hackers and other c...

06 Dec 2021

Hack Me If You Can

Cybercrime is now considered to be the most serious economic and secur...

12 Nov 2021

Identify and Stop Threats with Azure Sentinel and the Power of AI

01 Jun 2021
Security Microsoft | 3 min read

Augment Your Pentest with a Comprehensive Microsoft 365 Assessment

The Covid-19 crisis moved the world toward increased technological inn...

17 Feb 2021
Security | 3 min read

How the Hackers Stole Christmas

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, most of our business activities hav...

30 Nov 2020
Security Data Security | 4 min read

How to Avoid Heavy Fines Under the Proposed Canadian Government Privacy Law

The Canadian government is proposing the Digital Charter Implementatio...

24 Feb 2020
Security Microsoft Teams | 1 min read

Microsoft 365 Security Video

With apps and data moving to the cloud, more mobile access, and cyberc...

07 Mar 2019
Security | 4 min read

How Secure is Your Organization? Take the Quiz

For the majority of CIOs, security remains a top priority. With nearly...

27 Nov 2018
Security compliance | 3 min read

Are you Ready for Canada’s New PIPEDA Data Breach Reporting Obligations?

Data breaches are inherently costly — but new PIPEDA reporting require...