Consulting with a Conscience™

A cruciallogics blog

Written by Amol Joshi
on September 19, 2018

Legacy infrastructure and outdated software can stifle your business. Microsoft Azure's cloud services pave the way for transformation. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS) empowers businesses to streamline IT, unleash innovation, and achieve unprecedented agility.

What are “as a Service” Models?

“As a Service" (aaS) models refer to a range of cloud computing services delivered over the internet on a subscription basis. These models allow organizations to access and use various resources without the need for on-premises infrastructure. 

Infrastructure, Platform, and Software as a Service

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

IaaS provides the virtualized computing infrastructure upon which businesses can build their own IT solutions.  Think of it like renting digital versions of servers, storage, and networking components within a cloud environment.

IaaS offers a high level of control.  You choose the operating systems (Windows, Linux), the software applications you install, and how you configure those virtual resources. This makes it a preferred solution for migrating existing workloads or building custom applications with specific requirements. 

Software as a Service (SaaS)

SaaS brings you fully functional, ready-to-use applications delivered over the internet, typically through a web browser. The cloud provider manages everything – infrastructure, software, updates, and even data storage.

It is subscription-based. Rather than traditional software licensing, you pay a monthly or annual subscription fee for the number of users or a set of features.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

PaaS caters to developers. It provides a cloud-based environment with pre-configured tools and infrastructure for building, testing, and deploying applications. Think of it as a 'development sandbox' where you focus on coding while the provider worries about servers, operating systems, databases, and everything else you'd typically need to manage.

Platform as a Service is ideal if you want to accelerate application development, streamline deployment, and effortlessly scale your solutions. It reduces IT complexity and allows your developers to focus on innovation. However, it's important to be aware that some PaaS providers may have proprietary tools, which could create potential vendor lock-in situations.

The Benefits of “as a Service” Models

Cost Savings

Pay-as-you-go pricing, where you pay monthly fees or based on usage, replaces large upfront hardware and software investments. Additionally, the service provider handles maintenance, updates, and infrastructure management, lowering your in-house IT costs.


You can quickly increase or decrease resources to match your precise needs at any given moment, ensuring elasticity. As your business grows, you can easily adapt by scaling your services up without hitting the limits of on-premises infrastructure.


With as-a-service models, you can access your services via the Internet from virtually any device with a connection. This design facilitates easier collaboration, as services are often cloud-based, allowing access for distributed teams.


Service providers emphasize reliability by investing in robust infrastructure and redundancy to ensure high availability. Many aaS models include built-in backup and disaster recovery solutions to protect your data.


As a service, models automatically give you access to the newest software versions and features without needing to manage your upgrades. This allows you to focus on your core business while the provider handles infrastructure and maintenance, freeing up resources for more strategic initiatives.

Cost savings of IaaS


Azure IaaS

Azure Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offers your IT team unparalleled power and flexibility by providing a foundation of cloud-based computing resources. This eliminates the need for expensive on-premises hardware and shifts management to the cloud provider.

Here's how Azure IaaS transforms common business scenarios:

  • Virtual Machines (VMs): The building blocks of IaaS. Spin up virtualized desktop instances of various operating systems (Windows, Linux) and sizes to match your workload requirements. Scale them up or down as needed, paying only for what you use.
  • Storage: Azure provides versatile storage solutions. Choose from block storage, ideal for databases and VMs, file storage (shared file systems), and object storage, massive amounts of unstructured data. This eliminates the need to purchase and manage expensive storage arrays.
  • Networking: Connect your virtual resources within Azure, create secure connections back to your on-premises environment, and manage your cloud 'traffic' with Azure's networking features like Virtual Networks, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), and Load Balancers.
  • Backup and Disaster Recovery: Instead of complex physical tape backups and secondary data centers, Azure IaaS lets you implement robust backup and disaster recovery strategies entirely within the cloud, ensuring your data is protected.

Azure SaaS

When you need powerful software applications without the hassle of installation, maintenance, and complex infrastructure, Azure Software as a Service is the ideal solution. These applications are managed by Microsoft and delivered over the internet, allowing you to access them from anywhere with a web browser.

Here are some key Azure SaaS products and how they can benefit your business:

  • Microsoft 365: The popular productivity suite including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneDrive, and more. Collaborate on documents, access email and calendars, and benefit from the cloud-based versions of your most-used tools.

  • Dynamics 365: Offers a range of business applications including customer relationship management (CRM), enterprise resource planning (ERP), and more. Optimize your sales, customer service, supply chain, and financial operations.

  • Azure Cognitive Services: Access pre-built AI models for computer vision, speech processing, natural language understanding, and more. Easily integrate AI capabilities into your own applications without extensive machine learning expertise.

  • Power BI: A cloud-based business intelligence platform. Transform data into insightful visualizations and reports to support better decision-making.

Choosing the Right As-a-Service Model

So, how do you determine whether IaaS or SaaS is the right fit for your business? It will ultimately depend on your unique needs and goals.  

If you're focused on building and managing your own custom applications and require flexible infrastructure resources, IaaS offers the control and scalability you need. However, if you prioritize quick access to feature-rich software solutions with minimal overhead, SaaS is the perfect solution for you. 

These models aren't mutually exclusive. Many businesses employ a hybrid approach, using IaaS for certain workloads and SaaS for others.

How CrucialLogics Can Guide Your Journey To Explore Azure’s Power

Ready to optimize costs, boost agility, and accelerate innovation? Partner with CrucialLogics to seamlessly integrate Azure IaaS, SaaS, and the broader suite of Azure Compute Services into your operations. Our experts will ensure you extract maximum value from the cloud. For a structured approach to planning and implementing your Azure cloud journey, consider the Azure cloud adoption framework.

Contact us today to schedule your personalized strategy session.




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